The Adolescent Prevention Services (APS.) Program provides counseling services to students experiencing school, peer, and family problems related directly, or indirectly, to alcohol and/or other substance use. Through counseling sessions in the schools as well as group sessions at Burke Recovery, the A.P.S. Coordinator promotes healthy drug-free lifestyles by helping students develop the coping skills and positive self-esteem they need in order to successfully move from adolescence to adulthood.
ScIP is an alternative to suspension for students who violate the school’s drug free policy. ScIP provides alcohol and drug education for the middle and high school students who are experimenting with alcohol/drugs or those considered at risk for future alcohol/drug use.
To get more information about this program or to make a referral, contact the Program Coordinator, Matikia Robinson, at 828-433-1221 or mrobinsonbcacd@gmail.com.
Drug-Free Burke is a CDC-funded prevention program designed to support the initiatives of the Burke Substance Abuse Network (BSAN), a county-wide coalition, by developing community engagement and responding to the needs of residents of Burke County. With a focus on the reduction of underage drinking and non-medical use of prescription drugs, the program focuses on developing an innovative response to the complex problem. Community outreach is a major component of this program and the team delivers education presentations in multiple venues (from schools to businesses), provides resources and more.
This program is primarily funded through a competitive grant award from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
This program also provides the free distribution of items like medication lockboxes and bags; prescription disposal kits, Narcan, cabinet locks and more. To find out more about these distribution options, to become a distribution partner, or to book an education presentation, contact the Drug-Free Communities Program Coordinator, Tracey Hall, at 828-433-1221 or tracey@burkerecovery.com